Jessica Gray
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (Mar 24/06) - Overflow on the Caribou Carnival site has receded and the tents are up and ready to go for todays first day of the 51st annual event.
Carnival organizers like Cpl. Gilles Lavoie are busy making sure the carnival site is ready for the thousands of Carnival organizers like Cpl. Gilles Lavoie are busy making sure the carnival site is ready for the thousands of Yellowknifers expected to attend Caribou Carnival today, Saturday and Sunday. - Jessica Gray/NNSL photo
We got all the snow off the ice Wednesday night, relieving the pressure. The water is gone, said carnival board president Don Finnamore.
He said that after organizers re-evaluated the site, they decided to keep the carnival in its original location instead of moving it 300 metres South as they told Yellowknifer Tuesday night.
The only thing that has changed is that there will be no snow stage because it is too heavy.
Finnamore said the site is safe with three feet of ice thickness.
Mayor Gord Van Tighem said Frame Lake is very shallow, with only two deep spots. The carnival is away from both.
The Yellowknife Fire Department has measured the thickness at the power pole drill sites and Deputy Fire Chief Chucker Dewar said the department is comfortable with the ice thickness for people to walk and snowmobile safely.
Thursday morning saw co-ordinator John Dalton at the site, just below the City Hall parking lot.
The tents are up, were plowing with the help of the military, its going to be a great carnival, said Dalton.
Carnival events kicked off Thursday with the Bush Gear contest and Caribou Capers at the Black Knight.
The Snowcross circuit and Diavik 150 Canadian Dog Derby Championship are other events at the carnival this weekend.
Events officially begin at the site at noon today, and continue all day Saturday and Sunday.
Fireworks are scheduled for 9 p.m. today on Frame Lake.