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Council briefs

Roxanna Thompson
Northern News Services

Fort Simpson (Mar 24/06) - Village council needs to start work immediately to meet the community’s fire fighting needs, said volunteer Fire Chief Pat Rowe.

“Simpson is in pretty rough shape right now for protective services. We are in systems critical now,” said Rowe.

The extension to the fire hall should be the first priority, he said adding he would like to see ground broken by the middle of June.

Coun. Carl Lafferty noted that in light of the WCB charges in Yellowknife relating to the fire department, it’s prudent to look at the needs in the village.

“You’re talking about the safety of everybody,” said Lafferty.

“It’s certainly a priority for the village to get working on these things,” said Mayor Duncan Canvin.

Tom Matus has been hired as the new senior administrative officer (SAO) for the village.

Matus has spent the last 13 years as the SAO in Whati.

He is expected to arrive in Fort Simpson during the first week of April.

The village office still needs a ramp to make it accessible, said Rita Cazon who made a presentation to the council.

“I’ve been fighting for this for the last three years,” said Cazon who is the president of the Fort Simpson Council for People with Disabilities. After examining buildings in the community with Cecily Hewitt, the executive director of the NWT Council of Persons with Disabilities, Cazon said only the RCMP building is fully accessible.

Cazon has plans to open an office in the village for the Council.

Mayor Duncan Canvin said money has been budgeted for the ramp. The next step is to approve the budget and see if the money is still available, said Canvin.

“I’m going to be coming back to you guys constantly,” said Cazon.

Mayor Duncan Canvin wants to see progress made on the community capacity building fund.

“This is something we have to move on real fast,” said Canvin.

He hopes to schedule a tri-council meeting when all of the leaders are available, he added.

Trailer with a view

The road to the Hay River Mobile Home Park will soon be known as Riverview Lane.

The name was submitted by Rowe’s Construction in response to the village council’s inquires about naming the road. The sign will be installed by the village.