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Polar Parkas is closing

Daron Letts
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Feb 08/06) - Polar Parkas and Fabrics is closing its doors after this month.

The Yellowknife Scouts, who run the fundraising bookstore underneath Polar Parkas, have been looking for a new home since November.

NNSL Photo/graphic

Alf and Jordan Silke staffed the counter at the Scouts' bookstore, as Robert Popson purchased $15 worth of books for the Sir John Franklin language studies program last Saturday. - Daron Letts/NNSL photo

Polar Parkas provided the space rent-free for the past five years.

"We've had lots of verbal support, but nothing concrete," said Scout leader Alf Silke. "We have a lot of customers who set their calendars by our openings."

The Scout's bookstore opens on the first Saturday of each month. Silke estimates they sell about 1,500 books each month, ranging from 50-cent children's titles up to two to four dollars for some larger books. The store also sells used CDs, DVDs and videos. Money raised by the book sales have helped Scouts like Jordan Silke travel to events in places like Pincher Creek, Alta., and Gibson's, B.C.

The Scouts are saving money for the 100th anniversary jamboree being held outside London, England, in 2007.

They hope to find a new donated space for the bookstore soon.