Justice John Vertes found Renata Bullock guilty of failing to wear her helmet properly, but waived the $58 fine. - NNSL file photo
Jessica Gray
Northern News Services
Yellowknife (Feb 01/06) - What started as a bad hair day last August ended in NWT Supreme Court last Friday.
Justice John Vertes found Renata Bullock guilty of wearing her motorcycle helmet improperly, but because he considered her infraction a minor technicality under the Motorcycle Regulations Act, the $58 fine was waived.
It all started this past Aug. 5 when Bullock was riding her motor scooter along the Ingraham Trail and she was pulled over by municipal enforcement officers Daryle Foster and Doug Gillard.
At the time, Gillard told Yellowknifer they pulled Bullock over because they believed she was wearing the helmet improperly.
Bullock complained publicly that she was ticketed because she complained at being pulled over because her hair obscured the helmet. It was an argument her lawyer tried to prove in court.
Gillard denied that and told the court there was a "one inch space" between Bullock's chin and the chin strap.
The Motorcycle Regulation Act states a helmet must be securely fastened in order to be worn properly.
In his decision, Justice Vertes said "fastening something means firmly, fixedly and tightly." He said though the helmet was secured in the proper position on her head, the chin strap was not tight enough.