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Bookworms burrow

Dez Loreen
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Jan 27/06) - Attendance has been on the rise in the city's public library said Debra Bruser.

With a hidden-away location above the Centre Square Mall, the library sees a daily flow of people of all ages.

Bruser is the head librarian at the centre, and has noticed more people have been using the service.

"It seems like more people have been staying here and reading," said Bruser.

The cold weather could be a factor in the higher number of people who stay in the centre.

No matter the reason, Bruser is very happy with the improvement of people using their resources.

"Our main focus is to improve usage," said Bruser.

Librarian Jennifer Nolan said that the months from October 2004 to March 2005 had more books borrowed than in the warmer months.

This winter however, seems like business as usual to Nolan.

"The usage has been steady," said Nolan. Many different people have been using the library recently, and for many different purposes.

Ryan Charlo is a 15 year old student, and frequents the library after school.

"I come here with my friends, it's a good place to meet up with people," said Charlo.

The student was at the computer, surrounded by his peers, all of whom were using the Internet.

"I usually come in here to check my e-mails, and look up any info if I have a project due," said Charlo.

"That, and I can charge up my music player," he added, as he pointed to the personal MP3 device plugged into the computer.

While the group of students were at the computers, others like Brian Latham were buried in reference materials.

"I come here whenever I can," said Latham.

Although he was there for reference, he did acknowledge the fact that there are some people who only come into the library to hang out.

"It's not a problem, it's just fact," said Latham. "It comes down to a life choice. But it's okay, nobody pesters me."

Latham admits that when he was growing up, he would frequent his local library just to meet with people and joked that you never know what could happen in a place like the library.

"You never know, you could even pick up a book and learn something new."

No matter the reason, the friendly library staff are always ready to open their doors to people who want entry.

"We welcome all users to come in and enjoy the library," said Bruser.

Keenan Gauthier is one of the staff members who works at the front desk.

Gauthier said that there really isn't a problem with loiterers during school hours.

"I ask the younger people to come back after school hours," said Gauthier.

"We only ask people to leave if they're being loud, or bothering others."

Latham said that no matter who you are, you should be allowed access to learning materials found in the walls of the library.

"At least those kids know where to find the books if they need them," said Latham.