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New post office for Kugaaruk still on hold

Kent Driscoll
Northern News Services

Pelly Bay (Jan 23/06) - Another deadline has come and gone, and the residents of Kugaaruk are still waiting for a new spot for their post office. This time, Canada Post isn't to blame - the hamlet asked for this latest delay.

"Our SAO is on holidays right now. When he is back, he's going to work with Canada Post," said Kugaaruk Mayor Canute Krejunark.

Elwood Johnston returns to the office on Jan. 25.

"We are going to continue in the hamlet office for now," said Canada Post spokesperson John Caines.

"We had spoken with the hamlet council, but they want us to hold off until the end of the month."

The hamlet has been trying to get Canada Post out of their home in the hamlet office for more than a year. The offices are over-crowded, with some employees forced to work in hallways and any other available space, said Johnston last year.

Since late 2004, Canada Post has received seven extensions to its impending eviction.

The hamlet first contacted Canada Post in October 2004. After "being ignored by them," said Johnston, the hamlet got serious.

Canada Post was given until Sept. 30, 2005, to leave. When hamlet council learned that Canada Post planned to limit its mail delivery to once a week, they relented.

A new deadline was set for Nov. 1, but that date came and went, with council agreeing to wait until Jan. 15 to give the mail carrier more time to solve the problem.