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It's do-or-die week for candidates

Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Jan 18/06) - This is the last week of Election 2006. Here's what the candidates are up to:

New Democratic Party's Dennis Bevington is a busy guy, today, attending three forums in Yellowknife: on CJCD radio live, at St. Patrick high school, and at Northern United Place tonight hosted by Alternatives North.

NNSL Photo/graphic

Tomorrow, Jan. 19, Bevington has lunch with the Native Women's Association at the Explorer Hotel, hosted by Chamber of Commerce, before going to meetings in Hay River.

On Jan. 20 he drives to Fort Providence for a forum at Deh Gah school, returning to Hay River.

Jan. 21-22 is spent campaigning on his home turf in Fort Smith, returning to Yellowknife late Jan. 22 where he'll be on Election Day, Jan. 23, watching the results at Sam's Monkey Tree in the evening.

Liberal incumbent Ethel Blondin-Andrew will finish her campaign for a sixth term as MP for the Western Arctic at a marathon pace, according to her Yellowknife campaign manager, Lana Roeland.

There are three candidates forums from now until Election Day: Two in Yellowknife today and Thursday, and one in Fort Providence on Friday.

After that she will come back to Yellowknife for the weekend, but may squeeze one more trip out to Rae-Edzo on Sunday, said Roeland.

On election day, Jan. 23, the Liberal camp will set up shop at the White Fox bar on Franklin Avenue, to await the results.

"It won't be open until after the polls are closed at 7 p.m.," said Roeland.

Conservative Richard Edjericon will attend the candidate forum, Jan. 18, at Northern United Place in Yellowknife hosted by Alternatives North. Next day Edjericon campaigns in Yellowknife until 10 p.m., then flies to Hay River. Jan. 20 morning is spent in Hay River then off to the forum in Fort Providence, ending the day in Yellowknife.

Edjericon finishes campaigning in Yellowknife all weekend.

On Election Day, the Conservative flag bearer will be at his Yellowknife headquarters.

Green Party candidate Alex Beaudin and independent candidate Jan van der Veen did not respond to an update on their whereabouts.