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Space heaters: friend or killer

Dorothy Westerman
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Jan 13/06) - Space heaters are a comfort and a hazard warns Northwest Territories fire marshal Bernie van Tighem.

"We want to ensure that someone else doesn't get hurt or killed in a fire resulting in a heater," Van Tighem said.

A space heater caused the blaze that led to the deaths of two Yellowknife fire fighters last year.

Also known as auxiliary heaters, the small stand-alone devices are used primarily for heating small areas.

The most important thing people should remember is to not leave the heater unattended, said Steve Moss, assistant fire marshal.

"If you leave the room, you should unplug it," Moss said.

"They are a temporary device and meant to warm a space for a short time."

Moss also urged owners to read the instructions for the heater, which come with different safety requirements.

Van Tighem said space heaters have a life span and eventually wear out. They should be checked by a qualified person.

"The size of the area to be heated must also be considered," he said.

"If you are using an auxiliary heater, make sure you are keeping it away from combustibles and giving it enough air to circulate," he said.

"If it is an older device, spend a couple of dollars and get something newer," van Tighem said.

"They can be quite comforting and nice to have if used properly, but they can also cause some tragic consequences."