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To fund or not to fund?

Daron Letts
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Jan 13/06) - Two candidates in the upcoming federal election responded to questions from the community last Sunday.

During the Jan. 8 forum at St. Pat's high school entitled Land, Culture and Youth, non-governmental organizations, young people and elders presented questions to NDP candidate Dennis Bevington and independent candidate Jan van der Veen.

The other three candidates were out of town.

Jan Fullerton, on behalf of the Aurora Arts Society, said federal support for arts and cultural activities, through the Canada Council for the Arts and Canadian Heritage, is not sufficient.

"Neither of these is able to truly meet the needs of Northern artists," she said.

She noted the Canada Council mostly supports established artists that have been formally recognized through other events and programs, which is difficult in a territory that doesn't have public art galleries and other venues for artists to prove themselves. Canadian Heritage also has limited resources, she said.

"However, arts and culture provide a way for both youth and adults to express themselves, develop their identities and self-confidence, and contribute to the richness of our Canadian North.

"If elected, how will you work to protect arts and cultural funding for the NWT and the rest of Canada?"

Independent Jan van der Veen responded:

"Before you can expect me to say exactly how much I as an MP would urge the federal government to put into any particular program, I would have to see a list of all the possible programs and read them according to priorities.

"For you to ask me, specifically as far as arts funding, how much money would I devote? Would I push the federal government to devote towards arts funding?

"Quite frankly, I can't tell you that off the top because it depends on all the other competing demands for funds from the federal government."

NDP candidate Dennis Bevington, said: "Well, I think it's very important that we move quickly to assert a lot of influence on the arts and cultural community.

"I know with (Aurora) college we would like to see the development of a fine arts program, probably located in Inuvik, but that doesn't stop at that.

"That could mean that at our campus (in Yellowknife) we could have a performing arts section, as well.

"Perhaps in other communities. I know there's a great deal of interest in (Fort Simpson) as well. So, we have interest all over in expanding the arts community. The great economic returns that come from expanding the arts community are known all over the world. This is a very important thing.

"I would think that federal funding for economic development... I mean, the money we throw at large corporations to give them tax breaks, to allow them to exploit the North... I think it would be much better to put a lot of effort into supporting the arts in the NWT.

"That kind of return from that kind of investment could be felt by people, young people, throughout the North giving them another outlet and career in small business and in the development of their artistic talents.

"So, I think it's something we should be investing in. As an MP, I would be clamouring for us to get more money into the arts in the NWT.

"I think it's a great place to go and I certainly would be fully supportive."