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Parent helps students get to class

John King
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Nov 30/05) - For Roger Snyder, snow removal is serious business. After every snowfall, he starts up his quad with attached snow blade to clear the sidewalks on Dagenais Drive and Johnson Crescent.

Snyder first started removing snow from the sidewalks because he wanted his children to be able to walk safely to and from N.J. MacPherson school.

Soon everyone on two streets was able to walk the cleared sidewalks, said Snyder, instead of having to trudge through the snow and slush or along the side of the street where winter road conditions left pedestrians at risk to passing vehicles.

"I like to do things that help people," Snyder said. "I've had people come out and thank me for doing the sidewalks. This is really special for me, to have people appreciate what I'm doing."

Because the snow forms a ridge from the large city plows, Snyder said it can be really difficult to clear the walks.

By using his snow blade, Synder said he can remove the ridge by pushing the snow back on the street a foot or two, clearing the sidewalk for students walking to school.

Snyder said that after an average snowfall, it takes about 30 minutes to clear the snow.

Michelle Kraus, principal at N.J. MacPherson had nothing but praise for Synder. "I think what Roger is doing is fabulous, and it really helps to make the sidewalks safer for the kids," Kraus said.

"In Yellowknife, there is a really helpful and supportive parent community, and this makes all the difference in the world," Kraus said.