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Sandra Angutingunirk, Josephine Sikkuark and Bobby Anaittuq graduated from Kugaardjuk school in Kugaaruk Oct. 7. - photo courtesy of Heather Campbell

High school goodbyes

Jillian Dickens
Northern News Services

Iqaluit (Oct 28/05) - Theresa Sikkuark of Kugaaruk was as happy as can be when her granddaughter Josephine made family history this fall by being the first Sikkuark to graduate high school.

"It's overwhelming for me to know that she's working hard and giving a good example for the young people by graduating," said Theresa.

Josephine, along with two of her Kugaardjuk school colleagues - Sandra Angutingunirk and Bobby Anaittuq - attended graduation ceremonies Oct. 7.

This is the second graduation ceremony the school has held.

"I am proud of myself," said 19-year-old Josephine. "But I'm also sad because I love high school and I miss my teacher Mr. Grimmes."

Although some schools held their ceremonies in the spring, most graduates across the territory accepted their certificates this month.

Clyde River's Quluaq school and Arctic Bay's Inuujaq school held their graduation ceremonies on Oct. 21.

In Arctic Bay, Ina Allurut, Jeremy Attagutsiak and Valerie Taqtu graduated.

Inuujaq vice-principal Kango Akittirq says she's glad to see the kids graduate, especially since there has not been many ceremonies at the school.

"I can't really remember how many exactly, but I know there has not been many," said Akittirq. "I am happy to see these students did it."

One student in Clyde River was especially blessed on her graduation day. Already in nursing school in Iqaluit, Nubiya Enuaraq was flown to her home town courtesy of First Air, so she could participate in the ceremonies.

"It all went great and we really appreciate having all the students here," said principal John Thorne.

David Ootoovak, Enuusiq Jaypoody, Jane Joanas, Eleanor Jaypoody and James Sangoya also graduated in Clyde River.