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Aurora viewers up

Andrea Markey
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Sep 28/05) - The number of tourists to Yellowknife are returning to pre-Sept. 11, 2001, levels, said James Pugsley, communications co-ordinator with Aurora World.

Although the company's numbers are still being tallied and will be released at the end of the year, preliminary numbers show visitors for the summer/fall season were up substantially, he said.

"Summer used to see visitors in the hundreds, now it is in the thousands," he said. "Things are moving forward nicely with tons of growth left for the summer season."

There is one more week of the season, followed by preparations for the winter/spring season beginning in mid-December.

Aurora World's exhibit at Expo 2005 in Japan, along with representatives from the NWT, will help secure long-term interest in Yellowknife, he said.

"When you mention Yellowknife in Japan, people know where it is and know about the aurora," he said.

The company is also looking to move into other markets, including Europe and the United States.

Attracting visitors to the city and Territories needs to be a collaborative effort from all parties, Pugsley said.

"This is something the entire community can benefit from," he said.