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Bill in the mail

Kent Driscoll
Northern News Services

At least one business in Cambridge Bay has decided to send a bill to Northern Affairs Minister Andy Scott for cancelling a conference.

Scott cancelled the Northern Mining Conference, when he had to stay in Ottawa for the vote on same-sex marriage legislation.

Hotels in Cambridge Bay were booked by the government for the conference.

They were contacted on June 23 to cancel the rooms and the conference was scheduled to start on June 27.

Green Row Enterprises has decided to send a bill for its rooms.

"We are going to bill them anyway and we will see if they care," said Green Row manager Sheila Peterson.

Fifteen of their 18 suites were slated to hold visitors for the event. She has sent the bill to the Nunavut department of economic development to see what happens.

"I hope they are going to reschedule. It's been very quiet this week," Peterson said.

Arctic Islands Lodge was also booked to capacity, with its 17 single rooms, eight double rooms and one suite ready to go.