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Closer to agreement

Derek Neary
Northern News Services

Fort Liard (June 06/05) - A proposal to end litigation against the federal government and the Mackenzie Valley Environmental Impact Review Board may be conditionally accepted by Dehcho First Nations.

The federal government is offering $15 million in economic development funding that would be placed in a trust account.

However, DFN wants a clause removed that would prevent the First Nations from launching further legal challenges against regulatory boards or federal legislation. The organization also wants all money from the agreement to be tax exempt.

Contents of the proposal were closely guarded and discussed behind closed doors at the leadership meeting in Fort Liard, May 24-26.

The details only emerged when DFN resolutions were mistakenly faxed to media outlets.

Grand Chief Herb Norwegian insisted it's not yet a done deal.

"It's not final," Norwegian said Monday. "This whole thing could collapse tomorrow."

The Deh Cho filed court challenges last year seeking greater input in an environmental review for a Mackenzie Valley pipeline.

Chief Keyna Norwegian said the government is still refusing to allow DFN to establish its own resource management authority.

"Sure we could all use the money, but in three years the money is all gone and then what?" she asked.

Pierre Collin, communications director for Northern Development Minister Ethel Blondin-Andrew, said the government still won't comment on the tabled litigation settlement due to a non-disclosure agreement.