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Regulations will limit new drivers

Kent Driscoll
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (June 24/05) - A ticket to drive in the Northwest Territories will become harder to get on Aug. 1 and kids are lining up to beat the clock.

"It's advisable to book your test now, if you plan on taking your test before August 1," said Stephen Murphy, manager of driver and vehicle licensing for the department of transportation.

With an advertising campaign promoting new regulations, and just four driving examiners in the NWT the demand for tests is going up.

There is usually a two-week wait to take a driver's test in the NWT and demand is expected to increase the delay.

While 17-year-old Victoria Velez was taking her driving test, her mother Maria prayed for her to pass.

"We'll still do some more practise, especially in the wintertime," Maria Velez said. "The new rules are good for safety purposes."

Victoria, who passed the test in one try, said that the new restrictions were part of her decision to take the test. before Aug. 1.

New rules for class five probationary licence begin August 1, 2005. They are:

  • zero tolerance for alcohol
  • only one passenger in the front seat (no limit on backseat passengers)
  • six demerit points (fully licensed drivers get 15)
  • after one year with a clean record, it becomes a full class five licence