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Don Yamkowy was presented with the first President's Award for Service to the NWT Chamber of Commerce.

Presidential honours for Key West owner

Andrea Markey
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (June 22/05) - The NWT Chamber of Commerce has handed its first President's Award for Service to Don Yamkowy, the owner of Key West Travel.

The award makes him an honourary member of the territorial business group for life.

Yamkowy has been involved with all levels of chamber of commerce business for more than 30 years while also staying active with the Inuvik, Fort Nelson, Whitehorse, Yukon and Yellowknife chambers.

On three separate occasions, he has been the president of the NWT business group. For the past six years, Yamkowy has been the NWT representative on the 17,000-member Canadian Chamber of Commerce.

"We have strength in numbers," he said. "When we go to the table with a territorial or collective approach, we are more able to lobby and effect change."

The President's Award is not necessarily intended to be an annual honour, said Allen Stanzell, executive director of the NWT Chamber of Commerce.

"The chamber executive and board will discuss it annually and if we feel there is someone deserving, it will be awarded," he said.

"Don has played a strong role in the chamber cause for a long time."