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Fire chief Andy Sapp directs operations at the scene of a brush fire in Fort Providence on June 11. It was one of two fires to spark up that afternoon. The incidents are considered suspicious. - photo courtesy of Christopher Carson

Brush blaze damages home

Derek Neary
Northern News Services

Fort Providence (June 17/05) - Fort Providence RCMP are investigating two brush fires that started within hours of each other on June 11.

The heat generated by one of the fires caused the vinyl siding on the exterior of a house to melt, according to Const. J.M. Sauve. The home-owners weren't there at the time.

Sauve said it's suspected that one or more culprits ignited the blazes, which were brought under control by the community's volunteer firefighters with help from the fire crew under the department of Environment and Natural Resources.

Andy Sapp, fire chief in Fort Providence, said that residents should exercise caution because an abundance of downed seeds from poplar trees is making things volatile.

"That stuff is very flammable and it's covering the ground very thick," he said. "It's extremely easy to have things get away on us."

Sauve added, "It hasn't rained in a long, long time."