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All-stars face off in Fear Factor finale

Jennifer Geens
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (May 06/05) - The ultimate Fear Factor showdown begins tomorrow night as three past winners and three runners-up face off for a trip to Edmonton.

Dave Hurley said spectators should expect all new challenges in the tournament of champions.

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Mike Leonard snacks on sardines with raw eggs and tabasco sauce during his first Fear Factor contest last year.

"They're ready," he said of the four new obstacles. "And the six contestants are ready, too."

Richard Kent, Tanya McLeod, Daniel Roemer, Mike Leonard, Mark Near and Eric Power go head-to-head at the Elks Club tomorrow night at 8 p.m.

But it will take more than the promise of a trip to Edmonton to get these contestants revved up. After all, three of them have already won trips south.

So Canadian North is also kicking in a $2,500 travel voucher, which can be spent any way the winner wants. That will be something for the contestants to focus on as they try to choke down disgusting things.

Tanya McLeod said the Elks have kept them completely in the dark as to what kinds of horrors await them.

"I don't really prepare for it," she said. "I just try not to think about it 'til I get there."

And when she's in the thick of competition, she deliberately keeps her mind blank.

"Just hurry up and get it over with," she said. "Don't think about what you're eating."

As the only female contestant in the all-star tournament, McLeod hopes she won't be at a disadvantage.

The favourite to win the contest may be Mike Leonard, who has experience on his side.

Leonard has competed in all three prior Fear Factors.