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Crime Watch:
Most break and enters were at businesses

Northern News Services

Yellowknife (May 04/05) - RCMP were called 20 times to deal with break and enters between April 18 and May 1. Thirteen of them were at businesses.

Among the items reported stolen was cash, tools and electronic equipment.

During the two-week period, RCMP responded to 528 complaints, 187 of these were to assist with intoxicated persons.

There was one complaint of theft from motor vehicle. Nothing appeared to have been stolen.

There were four complaints of possession of marijuana, and two of cocaine possession.

There were 37 assaults reported, 35 of these were common assaults, which included minor altercations and domestic disturbances. Two of these were assaults involving a weapon. One of the weapons used was a knife.

There were 12 complaints of impaired driving. Three people were charged with impaired driving, two for refusing to provide breath samples, one for driving while prohibited and leaving the scene of an accident.

There were four motor vehicle collisions. Three involved damages to the vehicles in excess of $1,000 and one involved damages under $1,000.

Four vehicles were reported stolen. Seven traffic tickets were issued. There was one report of robbery.

Nine reports of shoplifting were received. Items stolen include candy, tools, alcohol, clothing and food.