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Special night for youth

Chris Hunsley
Northern News Services

Norman Wells (May 02/05) - A surprise visit from a professional football player turned out not only to be a special treat for 11 youth graduates of the Drug Abuse Resistance Education program in Norman Wells, but an occasion the star may never forget.

"It was one of the most fun trips I've been on," said Edmonton Eskimo linebacker A.J. Gass who was in the community April 15-16.

"I promised them when we win the Grey Cup this year I'll bring it back there to show them."

Gives speeches

Gass, who gives speeches at schools approximately 30 times a year, addressed the 50 youth, parents and friends who attended the graduation about the skills needed to avoid drugs, gangs and violence.

The seven-year CFLer then moved to an open forum at town hall for a Breaking Down the Barriers presentation. April is self-esteem month in Norman Wells.

"I mainly just told them my story and some of the things I faced in my life," said Gass of the self-esteem boosting and goal-setting themed speech aimed to stress the importance of education and having a backup plan in life.

"The kids just had a blast," said DARE instructor and RCMP Const. J.F. Leduc, who organized the event.