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Sally Ann saves Iqaluit homeless shelter

Northern News Services

Iqaluit (Apr 18/05) - The Salvation Army has taken over management of the Oqota Emergency Shelter in Iqaluit.

A four-month contract has been awarded to the group to uphold the shelter.

They will also conduct a survey to gauge the demand for services.

The new manager, Garry Jones, says finding a new location for the shelter is a priority. Clients can barely squeeze between the rows of 14 beds, he said.

The shelter was formerly run by the Illitiit Society, which has racked up debts of about $30,000. Society chairperson Bill Riddell said most of the property inside the shelter will be donated to the Salvation Army so the shelter can continue to serve clients.

"The objective is to make sure homeless people are looked after," he said.