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$40M for NWT wish list

Jack Danylchuk
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Mar 28/05) - Northwest Territories residents are being asked to make wish lists for a $40 million windfall - their share of the $120 million Northern Strategies program.

"We are looking for projects that will make a difference in people's lives," said Premier Joe Handley.

The money becomes available in June. Handley said the funding will be taken as a lump sum, and spent over three years.

According to the funding announcement, NWT, Nunavut and Yukon will use the money "to address priorities identified by Northerners."

The NWT will use the money "to make strategic investments in issues of importance to its residents," the announcement said.

Nunavut government said it will spend its share on social and infrastructure needs. In Yukon, the money will go to projects that "build capacity and stimulate economic development."

Handley said he has discussed the windfall with MLAs and will be asking other aboriginal and community leaders for ideas on how to spend the money.

He has heard suggestions for treatment centres for substance abuse and a conference for women on how to get involved in the Mackenzie Gas project.

"By June or July we'll have an idea," he said.

"We're open to any suggestions, but in the end, it will be a cabinet decision."

Handley said he would like to see the money spent on projects that have lasting value, but do not require a cash commitment beyond three years.

"I don't want the money to go to consultants; as much as possible I want the money to land in the pockets of people."