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Health survey goes online

Dorothy Westerman
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Mar 18/05) - The public, nurses and other health care professionals now can share their views on the importance of collaboration in health care.

Elizabeth Cook, an instructor and nurse practitioner at Aurora College in Yellowknife, says two online surveys, one for the public and one for health care providers, focus on providing input on interdisciplinary collaboration in primary care.

"They want to know how to incorporate better collaboration between the professions," Cook says.

The national surveys can be found on the Primary Health Care website at www.eicp-acis.ca.

The surveys will examine how both the public and health care providers both interact and experience the primary health care system.

Cook said the North is working towards collaboration within the health care field.

"We see already nurse practitioners incorporated into a couple of the clinics in town here," Cook said.

Cook said the results will be another part of the ongoing research necessary to get collaborative practice teams together.