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Four injured in Ski-Doo, pick-up crash

Brent Reaney
Northern News Services

Pond Inlet (Mar 14/05) - One child is in a coma and another in critical condition after sustaining head injuries when a snowmobile they were on collided with a pick-up truck in Pond Inlet, March 4.

One woman and another older child who were also on the snowmobile were sent to the same hospital in London, Ont., but were subsequently released.

Police would not release the victims' names. RCMP say the truck was likely unable to brake on an icy road after the snowmobile missed a stop sign and drove out on the road.

"There was lots of damage on the front of the truck, and that was all caused by human collision," said Cpl. Gavin Nash.

"All three kids were ejected and the mother was not," said Nash, adding the snowmobile, which received minor damages, seems to have been spun around after the truck made contact with the side of it.

The driver of the pick-up truck and his two-year-old son were not injured.

Nash said none of the snowmobile riders was wearing a helmet.

"Helmets would have been a huge help. They do save lives," he said.

RCMP are asking people to limit the number of passengers on snowmobiles.

Most snowmobile manufacturers recommend a limit of a driver and a passenger.

"The more people that are on there, the more likely the driver will be distracted," Nash said.

Making two or three trips when taking the family around the community is one way to travel more safely, Na sh said.