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Small town, big hearts

Kathleen Lippa
Northern News Services

Chesterfield Inlet (Jan 26/05) - Judy Samok could not believe the devastation left behind by the tsunami that hit Southeast Asia over Christmas.

In her hamlet of 300 people, Samok decided to start going door-to-door to raise money for victims of the disaster in the first week of January.

She also put cans in stores marked with handmade "Help Tsunami" signs for people to throw spare change into.

On Jan. 17, Samok and fellow fundraisers, including Marlene Aggark and Alice Kreelak, were bursting with pride as they wrote out a cheque for an impressive $2,267.77 to the Canadian Red Cross - all raised in Chesterfield.

"I think everyone was hit by the tsunami," said Samok. "I thought we have to do our best to help them when we have everything here at home and they have nothing."

The community also organized a musical talent show on Jan. 15 which raised over $600.

"I think everyone felt sorry for the victims over there," said Greg Tanuyak who played bass guitar that Saturday night.

Tanuyak said more than 140 came out for the show, spending $1 for admission and forking out more money on raffle tickets.

"There would have been more, too, if there wasn't a blizzard that night," said Tanuyak. "Almost the whole town came out."