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Dianne Miller, along with baby Alex and husband Darrin, boycotted Tim Hortons to pressure the restaurant to put in a baby-change table. - Lisa Scott/NNSL photo

Tim Hortons going baby friendly

Lisa Scott
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Dec 03/04) - Concerns raised by a Yellowknife mother has prompted one eating establishment to become baby friendly.

Dianne Miller, mother of 12-week-old Alex, was "thrilled" to find out her boycott of Tim Hortons could soon end.

Miller was frustrated at the lack of a baby change table or diaper-changing space in its washroom. The store hasn't had one since it opened in 1991, but has now ordered a change table.

A frequent customer at the popular coffee and donut shop, Miller had to change her baby's diaper in her truck recently. She preferred that over using the floor of the store washroom.

Miller was acting as a voice for young mothers, whom she says may not feel comfortable speaking out about their needs.

"I see so many young mothers with strollers. They need to have a place to change their babies," she said.

After receiving no response after a complaint to the Yellowknife store in early November, Miller e-mailed Tim Hortons headquarters. The reply was that NWT stores were not required to provide the facilities.

According to the NWT Public Health Act, there are no current regulations requiring eating and drinking establishments to provide change areas for infants.

Establishments that have change areas provide them by their own choice.

Reached by phone on Nov. 24, management at the Yellowknife branch said a change table has been ordered and young mothers are welcome at the store.

"We want to do what's best for our customers," said Liz Dillon, assistant manager.

A change table is not a standard issue for Tim Hortons stores in Canada, however.

"I am thrilled. I'd love to return and be a customer again," Miller said after being notified of the change by Yellowknifer.

"I'm glad we live in a society where the customer can have a choice," she said.