Ecology North is offering 12 planet-friendly ideas that'll keep Christmas fun, too.
Tip 1 - Green gifts: they're the ones with minimal packaging.
Tip 2 - Nix the wrapping paper. The shiny stuff isn't recyclable, but homemade art or a daily newspaper's comics can be creative.
Tip 3 - Make your own decorations. Give your children something to do over a cup of hot chocolate.
Tip 4 - Serve country food. It's all good.
Tip 5 - Recycle gift boxes for birthday presents later in the year.
Tip 6 - Save 80-90 per cent less electricity using LED Christmas lights.
Tip 7 - Ride the bus and give yourself a tour of neighbourhood Christmas displays.
Tip 8 - Walk. An even better way to soak in those neighbourhood light shows.
Tip 9 - Hunt for heat leaks in your house and fix them, instead of turning up the thermostat.
Tip 10 - Give to the planet. Volunteer, donate money, get involved in an environmental issue.
Tip 11 - Make a New Year's resolution to lose weight, drink less, cut out smoking. Bonus points to your health if you follow through.
Tip 12 - Enjoy nature. Yellowknife has a lot of it, so what are you doing on the couch?