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Early Christmas for Fort McPherson

Dorothy Westerman
Northern News Services

Fort McPherson (Dec 20/04) - Christmas has come early for this Mackenzie-Delta hamlet in the form of one big package.

Funding for a much-needed hamlet office building has been announced by Municipal and Community Affairs through its 2005-2006 three-year infrastructure acquisition plan for the region.

Troy Jenkins, senior administration officer for Fort McPherson, said the new building will house the administrative offices for the hamlet.

"We're quite pleased with that," Jenkins said of the $1.28 million allotted for the project.

A News/North visit to the hamlet office in October confirmed open cracks in the ceiling and walls.

At that time, Jenkins said the pilings on which the building stands were rotting and the skylights were leaking.

The project is slated for completion in the 2006 fiscal year. Plans have not yet been drawn for the design of the structure, but the matter is under review as to where the new building should be located, said Jenkins

"We will decide whether the current building should be demolished or another site will be chosen," he said.

Also in the three-year plan for Fort McPherson is $250,000 in funding for a new dozer/loader and $785,000 for a new fire hall.