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Hockey Day in Baker

Darrell Greer
Northern News Services

Baker Lake (Dec 20/04) - The second annual Hockey Day in Baker Lake is being hailed as a resounding success by the community's Minor Hockey Association.

The event was helped along this year by a generous donation of more than 200 pieces of hockey equipment from the peewee 'A' Erindale Spitfires club from Mississauga, Ont.

Nunavut Development Corp. wholesale division general manager Tom Chapman and Jessie Oonark Centre manager Paul Kabloona were the driving forces behind the donation.

"The response was pretty overwhelming," said Chapman. "As I learned more about the impact the gear can have in the North, my thoughts turned towards trying to organize a league-wide drive for next year that would include some 30 teams."

Chapman said a lot of credit for the donation has to go to both Kabloona, for constantly staying in touch with those taking part in the Ontario drive, and the Nunavut Development Corp. for getting the gear to Baker.

"Things like this can't be done by one or two people," he said.

"It has to be a team effort and when people come together like this, it's the kids who benefit and that's the way it should be."

Baker Lake Minor Hockey Association vice-president Jim Kreuger sent out official letters to Chapman and Kabloona thanking them for their efforts.

A number of young players were able to participate in Hockey Day at Baker Lake this year who, otherwise, would have been watching from the sidelines.

"The boxes of equipment arrived at the perfect time and helped us to outfit many kids for our big hockey celebration," said Kreuger.

"Each team played a demonstration game for the community, as parents and friends filled the rink to cheer them on."

He said the looks of joy on players' faces as they joined the action in front of a full arena, "was priceless."