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Helping hampers

Dorothy Westerman
Northern News Services

Inuvik (Nov 29/04) - Santa's helpers will be working overtime in Inuvik this year, ensuring children will have gifts to open on Christmas morning.

One of Santa's elves said the helping hand will come from the annual Hamper Drive.

These anonymous volunteers will provide loads of Christmas cheer to hundreds of families.

In 2003, more than 100 hampers were delivered to about 300 people.

Those wanting to apply for the program this year can go to either the Inuvik food bank or Inuvik Works.

Santa's elf said he knows that it is sometimes difficult for people to ask for help, but that's what the program is there for.

"This is confidential," he said "It's not only for them but there are children involved. We don't know the families' names when we make up the hamper."

The Christmas packages will be collected on Dec. 16 and delivery is planned for Dec. 21-22 by the fire department with help from the RCMP.

Al German, fire chief, said the department has been participating in the delivery of the hampers for years and they enjoy the festive spirit of the event.

"It's a good time. Some will dress up for the occasion," German said.

Donations for the program are being gratefully accepted.