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Beaufort-Delta men take required marine training

Dorothy Westerman
Northern News Services

Inuvik (Nov 22/04) - Three Beaufort-Delta men will be spending the next several weeks studying Marine Emergency Duties in Port Hawkesbury, NS.

Louis Jerome and Richard Blake of Inuvik and Lawrence Blake of Tsiigehtchic left Inuvik on Nov. 10. They will return the first week in December with knowledge pertaining to their duties aboard a marine vessel.

The training will also have a first aid component.

Louis Jerome said such training is strictly enforced by the government.

"It's required when you work on a boat," he said.

The three men work on the MV Louis Cardinal ferry operating on the Mackenzie River at Tsiigehtchic.

The ferry is run by Tr'ih Choo Alaa, which is a partnership between the Nihtat Gwich'in Development Corp. and the Gwichya Gwich'in Band.

Lawrence said he will learn new skills in deckhand training while on the east coast. "I will be a full-time deckhand. I'll be able to work anywhere in Canada," he said.

John Alexander, administrator at the Inuvik Band office, said this certification is a requirement by the Coast Guard for all staff aboard the vessel as of the 2005 season.

"The captains and engineers aboard the boat are certified already and are usually imported to us," he said. "We usually keep a crew of about seven regular staff during the season."

Alexander said the program is offered in very few areas in Canada.

"It's a guarantee that these people will be able to get the work. And the skills are transferable and we're investigating the possibility of funding for several more people to go in the spring as well," he said.