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Celebrate Easter with Caribou Carnival

Joyce MacDonald
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Nov 10/04) - Yellowknifers may have a chance to go to church out on the ice as part of this year's Caribou Carnival.

The festival will run from March 25 to 27. That's the same weekend as the Canadian Championship Dog Derby -- and Easter.

Pat McMahon, president of the Caribou Carnival, said a few years ago the board decided not to have the festival on the same weekend as Easter after concerns were raised by the YK Ministerial Association.

But McMahon decided to ask the ministers to participate instead of changing the date.

"Definitely Caribou Carnival and the dog derby bring people together," said McMahon, "and that's what Easter is all about."

She said the carnival has offered the Ministerial Association the use of its tents, possibly for church services on Friday and Sunday.

Lutheran pastor Connie Lunstrom said the association has not decided exactly how it will take part, but it will be there.

"We look forward to it," she said.

Caribou Carnival and the dog derby are traditionally both held on the last weekend in March. The dog derby is part of an international sled dog racing circuit, so it was locked in to the weekend of the 25th.

"If we move forward a week, we're now encroaching on Rae-Edzo's dog derby," said Kevin Rowe, an organizer of Yellowknife's dog derby.

He said Easter and celebration are a natural fit. "Traditionally, (the dog derby) coincided with the end of the trapping season," he said. "People would come into town for the church services."

This year will be the 50th anniversary of the Caribou Carnival.