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Trades and tech, public school style

Lisa Scott
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Oct 22/04) - The public high school is sporting a bright new sign declaring the entry to the Akaitcho Trades and Technology Centre. The only thing is, it isn't new.

The refurbished space leads the way to an already- existing auto mechanics shop and computer room.

Two portables at the back of the school were renovated over the summer to make way for more space for the various vocational classes offered at the school.

A culinary room and mixed media room are just down the hall. Most of the facilities date back to the 1997 renovations and sport state-of-the-art equipment.

When asked about the new name and the hype over existing facilities, Sir John Franklin principal Anne-Mieke Cameron referred to the facilities as "the best kept secret in town."

"It's in response to what we feel is a lack of information or understanding out there of what Sir John offers," she said.

The school has offered vocational and academic training since its beginning in 1958, said Cameron.

"How can we make people more aware that there's a whole section of the school available for trades and technology?" she asked.

Yellowknife Catholic School's new Kimberlite Career and Technical Centre has been in the spotlight since opening in January of this year.

The $1.8 million facility offers trades training for Catholic school students and Aurora College students.

That was a motivating factor in the move to name the Akaitcho Trades and Technical Centre (ATTC), said Cameron.

"We need to raise the profile," she said.

Cameron approached the district two years ago to start the recognition process. Now students can enter through doors under the ATTC sign to get at the facilities. The small-engine repair room has moved out of the automotive shop into more spacious portable classrooms.

Students can also study aviation maintenance engineering in the space

"By naming it, it does make it stand out that we have these high quality programs available at Sir John," said Judith Knapp, superintendent.