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NNSL Photo

Bill Stirling, co-owner of Overlander Sports, shifts boxes in the basement space he's donating to the Yellowknife food bank. - Joyce MacDonald/NNSL photo

Food bank gets a home

Joyce MacDonald
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Oct 22/04) - The Yellowknife food bank has found a new home - about 800 square feet in the basement of the Overlander Sports store on 49th Avenue.

"We couldn't leave them out on the street," said Bill Stirling, co-owner of Overlander Sports. "The food would freeze up pretty fast."

The basement is currently used as storage space for sporting goods.

Food bank volunteers will have to build a wall to separate their storage space from Overlander's.

Visitors to the food bank will be able to come right down into the basement.

The food bank recently found out it would have to move out of its two rooms in the basement of the Calvary Community Church office building, which is being converted into a home for the Church's new minister.

The food bank hands out groceries to about 90-100 people every second Saturday.

"We believe we're feeding about 400 people in town," said Dave Ritchie, food bank president.

Overlander Sports will donate the space and pay the utility bills for the charity.