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New pipeline offices planned

Brent Reaney
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (May 24/04) - Federal and territorial Mackenzie Valley Pipeline offices are in the works, even before the project's approval.

The announcement of the planned federal office was made at the same time as a joint study to study the effects of climate change on transportation.

Fort Simpson and Norman Wells are the two communities lobbying to have the federal office, said Ethel Blondin-Andrew, Secretary of State and Western Arctic MP.

Blondin-Andrew wouldn't comment on where or when the federal office will open.

"We still have to do a lot of work to reach a final conclusion on the destination," she said.

But the two offices are being planned for different communities, she noted.

Employees in the federal office will report directly to Ottawa, with the planned location announced in the coming weeks, said John Efford, federal Minister of Natural Resources.