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RCMP corporal to be part of D-Day ceremonies

Paul Bickford
Northern News Services

Fort Resolution (May 24/04) - An RCMP officer from Fort Resolution will take part in the 60th anniversary observances of D-Day in France next month.

Cpl. Sylvain Lemoyne is flying to Paris today as part of an 18-member RCMP ceremonial troupe.

Lemoyne is the sole representative of the NWT.

It is quite an honour, he says. "It's a once-in-a-lifetime thing."

Lemoyne and the other Mounties from across the country will be on the beaches of Normandy on June 6, when a major international observance will be held.

The RCMP corporal says he has always been interested in the history of D-Day.

On June 6, 1944, a massive Allied invasion of Nazi-occupied France was the turning point in the Second World War. Thousands of Canadians were among the soldiers who stormed the beaches.

Lemoyne, who is travelling to France for the first time, will return to Canada on June 12.