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Ride in style

Lisa Scott
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (May 12/04) - Yellowknifers opting to take the safe way home after a night on the town may soon find themselves riding in a style they aren't accustomed to.

The St. Patrick high school group Students Against Drinking and Driving (SADD) added a Lincoln Town Car stretch limousine to their drive-home program last week.

The group says the luxury car comes into their lives at an opportune time -- just one year before their 10th anniversary at the school.

"We had been planning a big year for our 10th anniversary," says teacher Michelle Thoms.

"It just adds a certain amount of exposure to the SADD program."

The white luxury car, which features plush leather seats and tinted windows, is part of a joint venture with Central Mechanical and Force One. Bill Aho and Doug Witty dreamt up the plan while lounging in a hot tub one night.

"We have both used their services on occasion and we thought this might be an opportunity to raise their profile," says Aho.

SADD has access to the limousine 12 days of the year. A ride in the limo will require a donation to the group.

"It's a mutually beneficial project. They felt it was a match made in heaven and we have to agree," says Thoms.

Other plans for the limousine are still in the works. Aho and Witty aren't ruling out lending the luxury ride to other groups as well.

The limousine will make its debut at St. Pat's grad night in May, says Thoms. The group will likely auction its use for the night.