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Never too old for a jamboree

Jason Unrau
Northern News Services

Inuvik (Apr 09/04) - For those who attend the Elders Day Program, jamboree festivities got off to an early start last Thursday as the program hosted its own "Elders Muskrat Jamboree."

"It's that time of year again and some events might be hard for elders to participate in," said program co-ordinator Jane McCarney. "So our events are geared more to their abilities."

Thursday's jamboree activities began with the selection of a king and queen. James Shoe and Helen Peffer were given the honour and the crowns to wear after a vote was taken among the day program attendees.

Following that, elders competed against one another at traditional events such as log sawing and nail driving.

"I haven't hammered a nail in a long time," said Catherine Mitchell, laughing after Peffer soundly defeated her in the event's first round.

Ending on a rather tasty note, the Elders' Muskrat Jamboree wrapped things up with a pudding eating contest.