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Fred and Kelly Squires pose inside the Shirt Shack along with their son, Fred Squires III.

Hot times for Hard Rock wear

Stephan Burnett
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Apr 28/04) - Less than two months after it opened its doors, the Shirt Shack is doing a booming business.

The 51st Street store in a quaint white house is packed to the rafters with duds from Harley's Hard Rock Saloon.
"We've had a lot of out-of-town business," says store owner Fred Squires.

"Two days before the ice road was closed the truckers just came flocking in here."

It didn't hurt that WWF wrestler Goldberg made a triumphant return to the RAW ring last October wearing a Harley's Hard Rock Saloon shirt.

Then there was the hockey team from Fitchburg, Massachusetts.

Scouts from the team came in the first day and bought $300 in Harley items and then spent another $1,100 the next day.