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Jail time given for fight

Andrew Raven
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Apr 28/04) - A 21-year-old man was sentenced to four months in jail, Thursday, for attacking an acquaintance outside a downtown bar more than 16 months ago.

"It's people like you who tar the image of this city," territorial court Judge Brian Bruser told Angus Black after finding him guilty of assault.

"The courts see so much of this stuff, and frankly we're tired of it," Bruser said, referring to violence in the downtown core.

Black attacked an acquaintance from behind while he waited in line outside of the Gold Range on Dec. 21, 2002.

The victim told the court last week that Black punched him in the head and knocked him to the ground.

When he tried to get up, the victim said Black either punched or kicked him in the nose, opening a gash that took six stitches to close. He also needed nine stitches to close the wound on his head.