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From left, Marty Brown, senior communications officer with CBC, Judith Drinnan, owner of The Book Cellar, and Michelle Huxley, representative of the Stanton Territorial Hospital Foundation, have a peek at the second edition of The Best Cranberry Recipes of the Northwest Territories cookbook. - Dorothy Westerman/NNSL photo

Second edition cookbook a hot fundraiser

Dorothy Westerman
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Mar 24/04) - Cranberries and sales are hot for the CBC recipe book The Best Cranberry Recipes of the Northwest Territories.

Now in its second printing, the popular cookbook has proven itself to be a significant fundraiser, says Marty Brown, senior communications officer at CBC North.

"We've raised a total of about $2,000," Brown said.

The book, an original idea of Peter Skinner, CBC's program manager, was first published in 1994 and due to its popularity, reprinted in 2003.

"The proceeds this year will go to the Stanton Hospital Foundation," Brown said.

Books sold in Fort Smith will benefit day care, while Inuvik sales will help the food bank.

The 41-page book is jam-packed with various ways in which the humble cranberry can be prepared for even the most cultivated palate.

Judith Drinnan, owner of The Book Cellar in the Panda Mall, said sales have been brisk since the cookbook first appeared on her shelves in late September. "Many people bought them as Christmas gifts," Drinnan said.

Brown said the recipes were collected from Northerners who were more than willing to share their favourite cranberry creation."Cranberries are a healthy food," she said.

The various sections include desserts, sauces, main and side dishes, breakfast and beverages.

"There's something for everyone," Brown said.