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Bar boasts brisk booze-free business

Daniel T'seleie
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Mar 10/04) - One usually doesn't expect to see sheets draped over the rows of liquor bottles in a bar, but Le Frolic had no use for its hooch last Thursday.

A one day suspension of its liquor licence was issued after a patron became intoxicated on the premises in December.

The bar's managers, Pierre LePage and Julia Tate, were able to find the silver lining.

They came up with the idea of "Liver Recoop. Day," an alcohol-free dining experience where mocktails -- such as safe sex on the beach or virgin mary (a.k.a. bloody shame) -- were served instead of alcohol.

All proceeds from the sale of mocktails went to the Yellowknife Association for Community Living's Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Project. With an average price of $6.95, mocktail sales raised $650 for charity. The event proved people can go out without drinking.

"My lunchtime was busy," said LePage, "one of the busiest in two months."

The evening brought in the usual number of patrons until the kitchen closed around 11 p.m.

Tate and LePage hope to turn the day into an annual event and plan to be better organized next year. They even expect to raise more money.