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Winter theme name for Deh Cho

Andrew Raven
Northern News Services

Fort Simpson (Feb 16/04) - In the Deh Cho, response to Senator Nick Sibbeston's plan to rename the Northwest Territories was somewhat muted.

"I really don't know what else you would call it," Richard Tsetso said with a laugh. "The Northwest Territories seems alright to me."

While the majority of people didn't feel a need to change the name of the territories, when pressed they came up with a few unusual suggestions.

"I'd just call the whole the thing the Deh Cho," said William Michaud, who, not surprisingly, hails from Fort Simpson.

"That way, we would be right at the centre."

Most of the suggestions focused on the long winters NWT residents are forced to endure.

"I like the name the way it is, but if I had to change it, I'd call it Winter Desert," said Jodie Thompson.

Her friend Brianne Leblanc agreed with the winter theme.

"I'd call it Winter Wonderland," she said.

Fifth grader BJ Burrill also pushed for a wintery appellation.

"Because there's so much snow and the winter lasts so long, I'd call it Winterland," he said.

Others were open to just about anything.

"I don't care what they call it, as long as it's not Bob," said Byron Blyth, referring to the winning suggestion when the question was raised several years ago.

In an informal poll (about 10 people), only about 30 per cent of those questioned were in favour of the name change.