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Several tenants announced

Dorothy Westerman
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Dec 05/03) - "This has been a long time coming," Marg Henderson, NWT client services unit director told the city's priorities, policies and budget committee as details were released about a new federal building slated for construction on Franklin Ave.

She described the proposed four-storey federal government building as very energy efficient and a positive addition to the city.

Henderson added, they have already designated several departments for location in the new building.

These include: Canadian Heritage, Natural Resources Canada, Industry Canada (Aboriginal Business Centre), Corrections Services, Public Works and Government Services Canada, National Crime Prevention, Parks and Public Service Commission. Other tenants have yet to be announced.

Security arrangements

"Every department will be responsible for its own security. It will be similar to Canada Place and the Commissionaire," Henderson said in response to an inquiry from Coun. Doug Witty regarding security arrangements.

Construction on the building is expected to begin in the spring.