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Decrease in election grievances

Colleen Moore
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Dec 03/03) - Three formal complaints have been filed since the 28-day territorial election period began back in October, said chief electoral officer David Hamilton.

The complaints, which have not become public knowledge yet, concern different misbehaviours that occurred over the course of the election period.

Hamilton said that at this point, the complaints are in the inquiry stage, and have only been submitted to the chief returning officer in writing.

"They are ones that have to be looked at and then reported," he said.

Nora Doig, a candidate in the North Slave riding, said her official agent filed one of those complaints, regarding the mistreatment of her campaign team during the election.

In the last territorial election in 1999, a total of 13 complaints were filed, including problems with bribes, early postings of election signs, ineligible candidates and abusive statements about a candidates character or conduct.