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Business donates $10,000

Stephan Burnett
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Dec 24/03) - A&A Technical Services is donating $10,000 to Yellowknife Catholic Schools Career and Technical Centre.

"This is our little way of trying to help out," said Al Harmon, owner of A&A Technical Services.

Ten thousand dollars is more than just a little way of helping out, especially for a medium-sized contractor like A&A, said Allyson Strouder, co-ordinator for the technical centre.

A&A employs 10 to 15 employees and has been in business since 1995.

"We provide all the environmental containment liners for fuel tank farms and water reservoirs," said Harmon.

"I went for a tour of the (technical) centre. It's a great idea and a good investment for the youth and resources development," said Harmon.

"We think we have to re-invest our money as well as allow for proper training. Education is the key to getting the kids into the workforce," said Harmon.

Harmon is sponsoring one of the areas dealing with quality assurance.

The industry-related curriculum makes the transition from high school to industry very easy, said Strouder.

"It takes a community to raise and maintain a child," said Strouder.

"That's what it's all about -- the kids and the next generation," Harmon added.

Strouder adds DeBeers Canada has donated $500,000 over five years to the project. Other contributors include Diavik and Aurora College.