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Trustees snub recognition ceremony

Lisa Scott
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Dec 12/03) - The "gang of four" trustees ousted from the school board in October were a no-show at a recent commemoration of their work.

Reanna Erasmus, chairperson of the new board, thanked outgoing trustees individually for their efforts during their three-year terms, at a board meeting Tuesday.

Rob Meckling, Maureen Miller, Roy Desjarlais and Dan Schofield did not attend the Tuesday meeting.

The former trustees were involved in an effort to terminate the contract of superintendent Judith Knapp prior to the election.

The public backed Knapp during the controversy, protesting outside board meetings, and eventually voting the four off the board on Oct. 20.

Mildred Wilke and Ann Enge were on hand to receive certificates, plaques and cards of thanks from Erasmus.

Enge retired before the election due to health reasons. Wilke failed to win back her seat on the board.

Students on the Mildred Hall renovation committee made a visit to the monthly board meeting, Tuesday.

The students, led by teacher Brenda Auge, sang their renovation song to the tune of the Village People's 1970s hit, YMCA.

The group wanted to show the board the innovative ways the student body is dealing with the renovations, according to Auge.

Students and staff celebrate the ongoing construction of their school with a new activity during the first week of each month.

Clark Builders started construction on phase one of the two-year project Nov. 24.

Trustee Duff Spence alerted the board that the project is on time and on budget. Completion is scheduled for January 2005.