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DIAND officials charged

Wasting meat alleged

Jack Danylchuk
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Oct 03/03) - Two Indian Affairs bureaucrats are facing charges of wasting meat under the territorial Wildlife Act.

Lorne Tricoteux, assistant regional director in the department's Yellowknife office, and Alexander Glowach, an acting manager, will appear in territorial court Oct. 28 to answer to 16 charges.

Also facing 16 charges are Eddy Quitte and Leon Rabesca, both of Fort Rae.

Charges were brought Sept.3, almost a year after Akaitcho Treaty 8 chiefs found caribou carcasses near Indian Hill Lake.

The maximum penalty for wasting meat is a $1,000 fine and one year in jail.

Caroline Davis, a spokesperson for the department, said "it's important to note that the alleged incident took place outside of working hours, on personal time and at personal expense."