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Sports council getting close

Lisa Scott
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Oct 10/03) - Changes to sports and recreational organizations in the North are one step closer to being implemented, according to Vince Steen, Minister of Municipal and Community Affairs (MACA).

Steen presented an update on recent developments in the Northwest Territories sport and recreation system during Monday's session of the legislative assembly.

"In the very near future, we will finalize the design of a new Northwest Territories Sport and Recreation Partner's Council," Steen said.

The MACA plan would combine Sport North, the Aboriginal Sports Circle, Mackenzie Recreation Association, NWT Recreation and Parks Association, and the GNWT into a council to deliver sports and recreation programs across the territory.

"I look forward to the next steps in this process and to working with our partners and communities to continue to improve sport and recreation services in the Northwest Territories," Steen said.

Steen doesn't know when the council will be in place due to opposition to the plan. Earlier forecasts of April 1 and June 1 have come and gone.

MLA Bill Braden looks to sports organizations for their views on the recent developments.

"It's really the consumers and the people involved that have to answer," said Braden.

Opposition continues

The council has met with opposition during the two-and-a-half year process to implement the changes.

Sport North threatened a walkout during the implementation process in June of this year and has vocalized concerns over MACA's recommendations.

A Sport North representative was not available for comment at press time.

Members of the NWT Biathlon Association have also opposed the plan based on the lack of consultation between MACA and sports and recreation groups in the NWT.

The group submitted their concerns about the consultation process at the legislative session Tuesday.

"We recommend effective consultation with all the partners before radical changes are made," president Patti-Kay Hamilton and vice-president Pat Bobinski said.