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Another step towards conquering cancer

Derek Neary
Northern News Services

Yellowknife (Sep 19/03) - Terry Fox Runs across the Deh Cho raised more than $2,000 for cancer patients by the weekend.

Fort Liard postponed its run until Wednesday due to snow and chilly temperatures on Sunday.

The event went ahead in Fort Simpson on Sunday even with a biting northerly wind and the mercury climbing to only 3 C. Eighteen people took part in the run, significantly fewer than usual, but the community still raised close to $2,000, according to recreation director Conan Donahue.

"Despite the weather it was good," said Donahue.

Amanda Burrill and Shelagh Byatt were two of the participants to brave the cold in Fort Simpson on Sunday.

"It was freezing," said Byatt, 11.

Burrill, also 11, said she does the Terry Fox Run every year.

"I want them to find a cure for cancer," she said.

In Fort Providence, more than 80 people got involved in the Terry Fox Run, raising $150. The run was held on a reasonably warm and sunny Thursday evening in conjunction with other events. Darlene McLeod, one of the participants, said she knows someone battling the dreaded disease and she had that person in mind.

"But I'm doing (the run) for everyone who has cancer," she said.